Anna Milon (ed.), Poetry and Song in the Works of JRR Tolkien

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Peter Roe Series XVIII

Luna Press, 2018. 1st edition/1st impression. Paperback. Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Seminar 2017

Tolkien considered himself to be chiefly a poet, and the importance of poetic diction and its most potent form, song, provides a powerful leitmotif to his mythological universe. Following the publication of Tolkien’s two verse works: The Lay of Atrou and Itroun (2016) and Beren and Luthien (2017), the Tolkien Society called for papers re-examining the importance of poetry and song in Tolkien’s writing. A series of presentations both on the author’s poems and on verse incorporated into his worldbuilding were given in Leeds on the 2nd of July 2017.
