Shield of Gondor keychain
War of the Rohirrim PVC Bag Clips/key chains
Ringwraith medaillion keychain
Hobbithole door key chain
"Pride" Hobbithole door key chain
Fighting Gandalf keychain
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Fighting dwarves keychain
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Bilbo keychain
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The company keychain
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit square logo keychain
The Hobbit round logo keychain
Thorin's Key keychain. Noble
'flat' One Ring keychain (Noble)
Orc tin on keychain. Applause
Gimli tin on keychain. Applause
Speak Friend and Enter key ring
Rohan horses head light-up keychain
Gandalf the Grey keychain
The Lord of the Rings lanyard and keychain
Return of the King lanyard
Oak Leaf of Bag-End key chain
White Hand of Saruman leather keychain
Sauron's Eye leather keychain