Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Tree
Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Crows Watch
Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Edge of Forest
Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Archer
Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Woodland Stream
Masterpiece of Myth and Magic: Dark Forest
Tolkien: Author and Illustrator 2 First Day Covers Tolkien Society
First Day Cover Magical Worlds. Dragon stamp
First Day Cover Magical Worlds. Castle stamp
Peter Malone, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe postcard
Royal Mail, 1998
Peter Malone, The Phoenix and the Carpet postcard
Royal Mail, 1998
Peter Malone, The Borrowers postcard
Royal Mail, 1998
Peter Malone, Through the Looking-Glass postcard
Royal Mail, 1998
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Windor
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Runes
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Hobbit
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Runes (Oxford)
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Hobbit (Cirencester)
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Heraldic devices
1st Day Cover Tolkien Centenary - Two Towers