Boromir Prime1 Studios Bonus Version

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Available in November. You can pre-order

Standing at 20 inches/51 cm tall, our artist and sculptors have once again outdone themselves in every way to recreate Sean Bean's unsung hero perfectly. From the determined expression on his face - featuring an intense gaze, aged and tired by the long journey - to the intricate design of his armor and weaponry, and lastly, the Horn of Gondor at his waist, shining bright and true in a world of darkness, all the detail perfectly capturing the essence of Boromir's courage and sacrifice. This bonus version has an additional swappable portrait for you to expand the storytelling!
Elevate your growing Tolkien collection with this exquisite masterpiece, a tribute to one of the most memorable moments in cinematic history. Honor Boromir's legacy of bravery and relive the epic battle in the woods of Amon Hen and pre-order the PMLOTR-11S Boromir Bonus Version, a sure centerpiece to your growing Tolkien collection!

Product Specifications:

- Statue Size approximately 20 inches tall [H:51cm W:45cm D:48cm]
- Lord of the Rings-themed base
- One (1) Additional swappable head part*