Contains: "J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth: The Dialogic Component of Modern Myth-Making" by Christopher Garbowski, "Myth, Metaphor and Metaphysics in W.B. Yeats" by Maria Leontiner, "The Valar and Byzantium: Visions of Hierarchical Splendour in Charles Williams and J.R.R. Tolkien" by Robert DiNapoli, "Early Critical Responses to George MacDonald’s Phantastes" by John Docherty, "Myth and Politics in George Oppen’s ‘The Occurences’" by Lynn Forest-Hill, "Fenestering Godward: From Dei ex Machinis to Deus ex DNA" by Denis Bridoux, "Painting the Wolves: Classical Myth and Contemporary Drama" by Steve Nicholson. Reprint. Stapled wrappers.